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I had the opportunity of being a painter at Tia Adeola's fashion show!

Dear Diary,

A few months back, I had the pleasure of being a part of the Slashed by Tia (currently named Tia Adeola) fashion show as a painter. Tia Adeola showcased her final collection as a Parsons student, named "Graduation". It took place at the Prince George Ballroom in New York City and included models Ebonee Davis, DomYenn, Adriana Mora, Selah Marley and Diana Veras, singer Raveena, DJ Amrit and Marci Rodgers all draped in her delicate French Revolution inspired pieces. Other artists and I were called together to paint the models as they posed elegantly on stage.

Photos taken from TIA ADEOLA website

I tend to have okay-luck when it comes to winning and getting selected for things. When I saw the flyer looking for painters, I figured I would apply for the sake of saying I tried. Besides, I had just started painting again two months prior, so why not try my luck. To then be chosen by Tia Adeola herself as one of the performing artists in her show was such a surreal moment. This felt like divine timing ... like God's timing.

"So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God’s perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose."

--Romans 8: 28 (TPT)

I saw this whole opportunity as a sign from God to stick to what my heart and mind naturally know best and to put myself out there more. Embrace the gifts that I have been blessed with and create the life I want to live in.

We only live once right?

It was an experience full of authentic creativity--from the live violinist and painters all being women of color to the parrot, the beautifully crafted fashions, and the neo-renaissance dreamland themed ballroom. I also appreciated Tia's gesture of gifting all the artists with new Nike's 😊

Overall, the experience was a 10 out of 10. To be surrounded by such talented artists and creatives as well as influencers, aesthetes, and journalists from magazines I find inspiration from while also doing something second-nature to me that I enjoy brought a strong feeling of comfort. I felt like the modern-renaissance woman that Tia embraces and embodies in her pieces--the one who, despite societal standards and beliefs, can have it all, because she is already everything. I only dream of living a life where I do what I love daily--and I will create that for myself. In the meantime, I'll continue to be grateful for all the opportunities and experiences I come by.

With love,



Check out the Graduation collection and more on the Tia Adeola website.


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